The Role of Ethics in Presenting Economic Welfare

Study of al-Mawardi's thoughts in the book adâb al-Dunyâ wa al-Dīn


  • Syamsuri Syamsuri University of Darussalam
  • Abdul Ghafur Kubaisi University of Darussalam
  • Mohammad Nurhadi University of Darussalam
  • Muhammad Fazl Rahman Anshori University of Darussalam


Islamic Ethics, Justice, Al-Mawardi


This article attempts to explain the views of al-Mawardi in his book Adabu Addunya Waddin about the role of ethics in realizing economic prosperity. Ethics is a collection of principles about values, norms, and morality that help humans to be able to distinguish between what is good and what is not good. In the Islamic world, ethics is the basis for practical guidelines for running everything globally, including the economy. This paper aims to find out how the ethical concepts offered by al-Mawardi are to bring economic prosperity and community welfare. The research was conducted in a descriptive study using literature studies. The results show that justice is the key offered by al-Mawardi to bring economic prosperity to society. Al-Mawardi also argues that the State has great potential for equality and prosperity in society.





