
  • Proceeding of International Islamic Multidisciplinary Conference

    Proceedings of International Islamic Multidisciplinary Conference is an international peer-reviewed proceedings published annually by Tazkia Islamic University College. All papers in the proceedings have been presented at the International Islamic Multidisciplinary Conference (IIMCo) events conducted annually. Proceedings of International Islamic Multidisciplinary Conference accepts article submissions in English and Arabic. Determination of articles published in these proceedings is through a peer-review process by the best partner by considering, among others: fulfillment of the standard requirements of journal publications, research methods used, significance, and contribution to the results of research on professional development and education in multidisciplinary studies.

    Correspondences, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at LPPM, Tazkia Islamic University College, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810.

    Phone: +62-858-9133-8499. E-mail: [email protected].

  • SATYA (Sosial, Tarbiyah dan Budaya)

    Jurnal SATYA adalah jurnal yang berkonsentrasi pada penelitian ilmu Sosial, Tarbiyah dan Budaya yang secara khusus artikel-artikel dalam jurnal Satya masuk dalam kajian keilmuan tentang Sosial secara luas, Pendidikan baik Formal, Informal maupun Nonformal, serta kajian keilmuan tentang perkembangan Budaya di Indonesia. Fokus kajian penelitian tidak hanya berkaitan dengan perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahun terkait Sosial, Pendidikan dan Budaya, namun juga terfokus pada pengembangan model metode pendekatan inovatif untuk mengukur dan mengamati realitas Masyarakat. Topik Utama Jurnal SATYA meliputi Kajian Sosial (Pendekatan Teoritis, Metode, dan kajian Pengembangannya), Pendidikan (Pendekatan Teori dalam pendidikan, Metode Pembelajaran serta Kajian Pengembangannya) dan Budaya (Pendekatan Teoritis, Metode dan Kajian Pengembangannya)

  • Al Fadhilah International Journal of Islamic Studies

    Journal Al Fadhilah is a blind peer-review journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business with Institute for Research and Community Empowerment (IRCE), Tazkia Islamic University College

    The Journal is a semi-annual journal. The aim of the journal is to disseminate Islamic Studies related researches done by researchers both from Indonesia and overseas. Scope/Coverage:

    • Islamic Studies
    • Islamic Business and Management
    • Islamic Social Finance
    • Waqf
    • Zakat
    • Islamic Microfinance
    • Dakwah and Communcation
    • Islamic Religious Tradition
    • Islamic Literature Studies 

    All papers submitted to our Journal can be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. We will accept manuscripts in other language. Furthermore, the editor receives manuscripts that have not been sent to other journals for publication. Notes for contributors are presented at the end part of this journal.

    Correspondences, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at LPPM, Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics,

    Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810.

  • Journal of Islamic Contemporary Accounting and Business

    The Journal of Islamic Contemporary Accounting and Business is published by the Sharia Accounting program at the Institute Agama Islam Tazkia. To ensure the quality of the papers published, the journal employs double blind review process, where the identities of both the authors and reviewers are concealed from each other during the evaluation process. This ensures objectivity and fairness in the assessment of submitted works. The review may take 2 - 4 weeks. The Journal of Islamic Contemporary Accounting and Business accepts original papers using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approaches. The journal is published twice a year, in the periods of September and March, with each issue containing seven papers. The scope of the papers accepted for this research includes, but is not limited to:

    • Data Analytics in Islamic Accounting
    • Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Accounting
    • Islamic Accounting for Households
    • Experiences of Islamic Accounting Practices across Countries
    • Islamic Accounting for Small and Medium Enterprises

    Correspondences, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at LPPM, Tazkia Islamic University College,

    Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810.
    Phone: +62-858-9133-8499 (Syahdatul Maulida); +62-813-822-15159 (Sulhani); E-mail: [email protected].

  • IRTIQO' : Postgraduate Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

    Postgraduate Journal of Islamic Economics, Finances and Accounting Studies (PJIEFAS) is a blind peer-review journal published by Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics.

    The Journal is a semi-annual journal. The aim of the journal is to disseminate Islamic Economics, finance and business researches done by researchers both from Indonesia and overseas. Scope/Coverage:

    • Islamic Economics
    • Islamic Finance
    • Islamic Business
    • Islamic Accounting and Management
    • Islamic Social Finance: Waqf, Zakat, Microfinance, etc.

    All papers are written in English/Arabic/Bahasa. The editor receives manuscripts that have not been sent to other journals for publication. Notes for contributors are presented at the end part of this journal.

    Correspondences, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at Postgraduate Program, Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810. Phone: +62-87772590541. E-mail: [email protected].

  • AL-'IBAR Journal of Islamic Civilization and Development

    Al-'IBAR: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Development is a biannual journal, published by Tazkia Islamic University College (Institut Agama Islam Tazkia), Bogor, Indonesia. This journal is purely academic and peer-reviewed. It caters to articles relating to Islam and Muslim thinking in the history of Civilization and Islamic contemporary.
    The aim of the journal is to provide an avenue for researchers and academics from all persuasions and traditions to share and discuss differing views, new ideas, theories, and research outcomes on the aspects of Islamic civilization such as ethics, economic, politic, culture, law, and other Islamic themes.

  • Manfaah: Journal of Islamic Business and Management

    Jurnal Manfa’ah: Journal of Islamic Business and Management mulai diterbitkan sejak November 2021 oleh Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis  Syariah, Institut Agama Islam Tazkia. Jurnal Manfa’ah ini menerbitkan artikel ilmiah yang dihasilkan dari penelitian maupun pemberdayaan masyarakat yang menjunjung tinggi kaidah dan etika penelitian pada bidang manajemen, bisnis, keuangan, pemasaran, dan organisasi. Jurnal ini sangat menghargai munculnya inovasi dan pemikiran yang progresif untuk bidang manajemen dan bisnis Islam. Jurnal Manfa’ah ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun (Maret dan November).

  • Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

    Journal Attahkim is a blind peer-review journal published by the Sharia Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Tazkia. The Journal is a semi-annual journal. The aim of the journal is to disseminate Islamic Economics Law, done by researchers both from Indonesia and overseas.


    • Islamic Economics Law
    • Islamic Business Law
    • Islamic Culture
    • Islamic Family Law
    • Contemporay Islamic Issues

    All papers are written in Indonesia or English. The editor receives manuscripts that have not been sent to other journals for publication. Notes for contributors are presented at the end part of this journal.

    Correspondences about the papers that will be published, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at Sharia Faculty,  Institut Agama Islam Tazkia  Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810,

    Phone: +62-21–87962291-93, Fax: +62-21–87962294,

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Jurnal komunikan

    Komunikan: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Dakwah

    Jurnal Komunikan adalah jurnal yang berkonsentrasi pada penelitian ilmu komunikasi dan dakwah yang secara khusus artikel-artikel dalam Jurnal Komunikan harus mengajukan pertanyaan tentang beragam dan kompleksitas isu-isu komunikasi islam dan dakwah dengan penekanan kuat pada berbasis teori, pengembangan model teoritis baru dan pengembangan metode inovatif untuk mengamati dan mengukur realitas komunikasi dan dakwah. Bidang topik utama untuk Jurnal Komunikan meliputi kajian komunikasi islam, komunikasi pemasaran, komunikasi public, komunikasi massa, metodologi dakwah, strategi dakwah Islam dan huhubungan dakwah dengan sosial budaya.

  • Tamkin Jurnal Pemberdayaan Tazkia

    Tamkin Journal is a journal managed by the Institute for Research and Community Empowerment of the Tazkia Islamic University College which is intended for academics in Indonesia to publish reports on empowerment activities carried out by them in the form of scientific publications. This journal contains articles of community service with the unlimited scope that are utilized for community empowerment service activities aimed at empowering community potential.

    Correspondences, subscription information, and others can be addressed directly to our Editorial Office at LPPM, Tazkia Islamic University College,

    Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.78, Sentul City, Bogor 16810.
    Phone: +62-858-9133-8499. E-mail: [email protected].